When you think about symbols of the LGBTQ community, the rainbow-colored pride flag probably comes to mind right away Cristina Moliner/Getty Images What Does LGBTQ Stand For?Īcronym LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender, while increasingly, a Q is included for Queer and/or Questioning.Īn 'A' for Asexual, an 'I' for Intersex and/or a '2' for Two-Spirit is also sometimes included in the acronym.Ī lesbian is defined as a woman who is mainly romantically, emotionally and physically attracted to other women.Ī gay person is usually denoted as a man who is exclusively attracted to other men, although this term is occasionally used to refer to lesbians.īisexuality refers to a person who is drawn to members of both people born male and female. Picture of a young woman waving LGBTQ flag under the sky.